Independent, Unbiased, and Actionable
Dash Research is an independent market research firm that provides industry participants and stakeholders with an objective, unbiased view of market dynamics and business opportunities within its coverage areas. The firm’s industry analysts are dedicated to presenting clear and actionable analysis to support business planning initiatives and go-to-market strategies, utilizing rigorous market research methodologies and without regard for technology hype or special interests including Dash Research’s own client relationships. Within its market analysis, Dash Research strives to offer conclusions and recommendations that reflect the most likely path of industry development, even when those views may be contrarian.

Primary Research at the Core
The basis of Dash Research’s analysis is primary research collected from a variety of sources including industry interviews, vendor briefings, product demonstrations, and quantitative and qualitative market research focused on consumer and business end users. Industry analysts conduct interviews with representative groups of executives, technology practitioners, sales and marketing professionals, industry association personnel, government representatives, investors, consultants, and other industry stakeholders. Analysts are diligent in pursuing interviews with representatives from every part of the value chain in an effort to gain a comprehensive view of current market activity and future plans. Within the firm’s surveys and focus groups, respondent samples are carefully selected to ensure that they provide the most accurate possible view of demand dynamics within consumer and business markets, utilizing balanced and representative samples where appropriate and careful screening and qualification criteria in cases where the research topic requires a more targeted group of respondents.

Comprehensive and Rigorous
Dash Research’s primary research is supplemented by the review and analysis of all secondary information available on the topic being studied, including company news and financial information, technology specifications, product attributes, government and economic data, industry reports and databases from third-party sources, case studies, and reference customers. As applicable, all secondary research sources are appropriately cited within the firm’s publications. All of Dash Research’s reports and other publications are carefully reviewed and scrutinized by the firm’s senior management team in an effort to ensure that research methodology is sound, all information provided is accurate, analyst assumptions are carefully documented, and conclusions are well-supported by facts. Dash Research is highly responsive to feedback from industry participants and, in the event errors in the firm’s research are identified and verified, such errors are corrected promptly.